Time used |
Source data period |
Source data media |
Source data location |
Published data period |
Published data media |
Published data location |
Comments |
All in UT |
18/02/58 - 19/04/76 |
35mm film |
NSW Archives |
02/58 - 12/69 |
Published in data books |
NSW Archives |
05/06/75 - 05/05/95 |
16mm film |
SWS Sydney |
01/70 - 12/79 |
Computer printout |
No copies kept |
16/04/94 - present |
Digital |
SWS Sydney |
1980 - 1999 |
Microfiche |
SWS Sydney |
Spares not available for all years |
19/01/94 - 31/01/00 |
4d raw and clean digital data |
SWS Sydney |
Some missed. |
01/02/00 - 04/02/2010 |
5d raw and clean digital data |
Some missed. |
09/02/2009 - present |
CADI raw and clean digital data |
Some missed. |
18/02/58 - |
Digital data for all scaled parameters |
SWS Sydney |
Up to about one year ago. |
Keyed-in data
Data keyed-in by SWS, Sydney.
Source data period |
Available data |
2/58 - present |
Digital |