World Data Centre
FORECAST SOL: Moderate yellow MAG: Moderate yellow ION: Normal green
HomeWorld Data CentreData Display and DownloadCosmic Ray Saturday, Jul 27 2024 06:24 UT
Data Display and Download

Cosmic Ray

Before proceeding, you can check the Cosmic Ray data availability. To view real time cosmic ray data and understand the application of cosmic ray data in space weather forecast, please see Australian Antarctic Division Cosmic Ray Real Time Data.

This data set is provided courtesy of the Australian Antarctic Division.To understand the Cosmic Ray data files, please see Cosmic Ray Data Format.

If you need more information about this data set, please use the to contact the WDC or see the Data Download page.

Select Station, Year, Month, Day and then click Plot button to display a Cosmic Ray graph.

1/5:Select a Station   2/5:Select a Year   3/5:Select a Month   4/5:Select a Day   5/5: Select an Action

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  Date: 27/07/2024


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