FORECAST SOL: Moderate yellow MAG: Disturbed red ION: Moderate yellow
Space Weather Conditions
Summary Forecast
Saturday 25 January
last updated 24/2315 UT
On UT day 25-Jan solar activity is expected to be R0-R1. A glancing blow CME arrival forecast for 24-Jan appears to have missed the Earth. G1-G2 geomagnetic conditions are expected on 25-Jan due to another anticipated CME arrival. S0 solar radiation storm conditions are expected. HF radio propagation conditions are expected to be initially normal then becoming fair to poor for middle to high latitudes. Maximum usable frequencies in the Australian region are expected to be initially near predicted values for most of the UT day 25-Jan then becoming 10-20% depressed on 26-Jan. Isolated minor shortwave fadeouts are possible. There is a chance that aurora may be observed in high latitude locations late on UT day 25-Jan.
SDO solar image - 335 angstroms - Courtesy of NASA/SDO and the AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams.