Station Name
Item | Value |
Station Name | Darwin |
Alternative Name | none (although there are several - ASWFC and DSTO - stations called Darwin) |
Station Location
Item | Value |
Geographic | Lat. -12.45 Long. 130.95E |
Geomagnetic | Lat. -21.96 Long. 202.84 |
Dip | -44.5 |
Split (0.5*gyro frequency) | 0.6 MHz |
L Shell | 1.16 |
Time Noon | 03 UT |
Station Lifetime
Item | Value |
Years of Data | 43 years operation |
Opened | December 1982 |
Closed | NA |
Status | Open |
Station Identity
Item | Value |
IPS Code | 3351 |
URSI Code | DW41K |
ISES/IUWDS Code | 83101 |
WDC Code | 9041K |
ESSA Code | 41K |
Station Data Sets
Item | Value |
Ionogram | From December 1982, 16 mm film, Digital |
Magnetometer | From August 2000 |
Ionospheric Scintillation Monitor(ISM) | From June 2010 |
Total Electron Content (TEC) | From June 2010 |