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HomeWorld Data CentreData Display and DownloadSpectrographCulgoora Radiospectrograph Observation Logs Format Friday, Mar 07 2025 03:21 UT
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Spectrograph: Culgoora Radiospectrograph Observation Logs Format

For each period of observation, three parameters are recorded. These are:

  • Date
  • Observing period start time
  • Observing period end time

For each observed event several parameters are recorded, as follows. (Elements shown in square brackets are optional.)

  • Event state time [qualifier]
  • Event end time [qualifier]
  • Spectral type [Appended symbol(s)]
  • Intensity
  • Lower frequency [qualifier]
  • Upper frequency [qualifier]
  • [Remarks]

Times are reported to the nearest minute UTC.

Time qualifiers are included when appropriate:

  • E - Burst in progress before this time (start times only)
  • U - Uncertain time
  • D - Burst in progress after this time (end times only)

Spectral types are:

  • I, II, III, IV, V
  • CONT - Other continuum
  • UNCLF - Unclassified activity

Appended symbols expand on the spectral type. The appropriate spectral types are indicated. Multiple symbols are separated by commas. Those in the second list (to the right) are uncommon.

  • B - Single burst [III, V]
  • G - Small group of bursts (<= 10) [III]
  • GG - Large group of bursts (> 10) [III]
  • C - Underlying continuum [I, III]
  • S - Storm (near continuous activity) [I, III]
  • N - Intermittent activity [III]
  • H - Herringbone structure [II]
  • FS - Fine structure [IV]
  • U - U-shaped burst [III]
  • RS - Reverse slope burst [III]
  • DP - Drifting pairs [I]
  • DC - Drifting chains [I]
  • W - Weak activity [IV]
  • P - Pulsations [IV]

One of the following symbols is used to describe all type II emissions:

  • FN - Fundamental emission
  • SH - Second harmonic emission
  • UE - Uncertain emission

Frequencies are recorded to two significant digits in MHz.

Frequency qualifiers are included when appropriate:

  • X - Extends beyond instrument range
  • U - Uncertain frequency

Remarks are included where appropriate. They may be plain text and/or any of the following:

  • SWF - Associated shortwave fadeout observed
  • ESS n - Estimated shock speed in km/s (where n is the estimated speed)
  • FLA c - Associated flare observed (where estimated flare class c is optional)

The radiospectrograph log files are plain text, laid out in a standard machine readable format used in Solar-Geophysical Data (to which our data are contributed). The format is as follows:

Columns Data
Columns 1-6Date (yymmdd)
Columns 9-12Observation period start time (UTC)
Columns 14-17Observation period end time (UTC)
Columns 21-24Observatory identifier [CULG - Culgoora Solar Observatory]
Columns 28-33Event start time (UTC)
Column 34Start time qualifier
Columns 38-43Event end time (UTC)
Column 44End time qualifier
Columns 48-49Event spectral type - significant emissions [type II or type IV]
Columns 50-54Event spectral type - other
Columns 57-69Appended symbols
Column 71Event intensity (1-3)
Columns 86-90Event lower frequency (MHz)
Column 91Lower frequency qualifier
Columns 94-98Event upper frequency (MHz)
Column 99Upper frequency qualifier
Columns 102-120Remarks

Further reading:

Solar-Geophsycal Data,

Solar Radiophysics, Edited by McLean & Labrum, Cambridge University Press (1985)

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