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HomeWorld Data CentreData Display and DownloadData DownloadASWFC Data Policy Saturday, Jan 25 2025 13:45 UT
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ASWFC Data Policy


  • Preliminary ASWFC data will be released in real time or as soon as practicable.
  • Where quality checks have not been carried out before data are released, the data will be flagged with a caution on its quality.
  • If requested, part datasets will be reviewed and provided with quality control as final data.
  • All data sets will be supplied in approved formats and be accompanied by a description of the details of the method of recording, analysis and quality of the data.


Data are defined here as any set of systematically recorded results whatever the recording medium. This Policy refers to all data recorded by ASWFC whether in near-real-time or in archived form. It does not refer to data held by ASWFC on behalf of other organisations.

ASWFC operates and manages the World Data Centre for Solar-Terrestrial Science. The WDC provides data on the basis that:

  • The WDC is operated for the benefit of the international scientific community.
  • The WDC provides data to scientists in any country free of charge, on an exchange basis or at the cost of copying and sending the requested data.

It is expected that the WDC will make data available as soon as possible after acquisition and will provide quality control and cautionary notes when data do not meet approved quality standards. With this in mind the following responsibilities are placed on the preparation and release of ASWFC data to the WDC.

  • Preliminary ASWFC data will be released to the WDC-STS as soon as possible after collection.
  • Where the data are not verified for quality, there must be a warning associated with the data.
  • Data are provided in a standard format if one exists or in an easily accessible format. The format and general information about the data set are to be available on the web site.
  • All data sets will have associated ASWFC contacts to whom enquiries can be directed.
  • Where special equipment may be necessary to view the data, advice should be available on the resources required for data handling.

ASWFC WDC Management Committee
2 March 2006

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