TEC Disturbance Map
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This near-real-time ionospheric TEC disturbance map is produced at ASWFC by removing the 30-day climatology map from the current (observed) TEC conditions. It is therefore representative of the devitation of current ionospheric conditions from those expected for the current time/day/season/solar cycle.
The disturbance map shows colour contours of TEC difference (dTEC) in units of TECU (1016 electrons/m2).
The data on this map can be used to qualitatively determine whether the regional ionosphere is mildly enhanced (yellow), strongly enhanced (red), mildly depressed (green ), strongly depressed (blue), or near expected monthly values (white) in the Australasian region.
To quantitatively determine the effect of current ionospheric conditions on single frequency GPS positioning, please refer to the real time GPS L1 positioning error map.
Index plots
See also TEC disturbance index plots.