FORECAST SOL: Moderate yellow MAG: Moderate yellow ION: Normal green
HomeSatelliteTotal Electron ContentTEC Global Map Saturday, Jul 27 2024 02:47 UT
Total Electron Content

TEC Global Map

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 Total Electron Content Map

This near real-time ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) global map is produced at ASWFC by using the IRI-2007 ionospheric model with real-time global foF2 data. You can compare this derived product with the NASA JPL Global TEC Map. Note that the ASWFC derived TEC map and the NASA JPL TEC map are centred on different longitudes.

You can also compare the ASWFC TEC estimate with the US Space Weather Prediction Center's CTIPe model output. "CTIPe" stands for "Coupled Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Plasmasphere and Electrodynamics". This physical model produces a world TEC map in near real time.

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