FORECAST SOL: Moderate yellow MAG: Moderate yellow ION: Normal green
HomeGeophysicalSummary and ForecastsDaily Report Saturday, Jul 27 2024 07:35 UT
Summary and Forecasts

Daily Report

Geomagnetic Summary

(last updated 26 Jul 2024 23:30 UT)

Geomagnetic field for Australian Region 26 Jul: G0 Estimated Indices 26 Jul : A K Australian Region 13 34332322 Cocos Island 11 34322221 Darwin 12 34322322 Townsville 17 35432322 Learmonth 19 35433332 Alice Springs 13 34332321 Gingin 15 44422322 Canberra 13 34332322 Kennaook Cape Grim 13 34332322 Hobart 15 34332422 Estimated Antarctic Regional K Indices 26 Jul : Macquarie Island 32 35444642 Casey 13 34332232 Mawson 38 46543355 Observed Regional daily pc3 Indices 26 Jul : Darwin 0 (Quiet) Townsville 2 (Quiet) Learmonth 0 (Quiet) Alice Springs 0 (Quiet) Gingin 8 (Quiet) Canberra 17 (Quiet) Pc3 pulsations are high frequency (10-45 second period) variations of the Earths magnetic field. Daily pc3-indices are the daily sum of 20 minute pc3-indices for that station and have been shown to be well correlated with rejection of high resolution aeromagnetic survey flight-line data. NOTE: Indices may have been generated from data obtained in cooperation with the following organisations: Geoscience Australia, University of Newcastle Space Physics Group, Australian Government Antarctic Division and International Center for Space Weather Science and Education, Japan. Estimated AFr/Ap Indices 26 Jul : A Fredericksburg 19 Planetary 26 Observed AFr/Ap Indices 25 Jul : A K Fredericksburg 9 Planetary 9 2101 2234

Geomagnetic Forecast

(last updated 26 Jul 2024 23:30 UT)

Date Ap Conditions 27 Jul 16 G0, chance G1 28 Jul 13 G0, slight chance G1 29 Jul 13 G0, slight chance G1 COMMENT: G0 geomagnetic conditions were observed in the Australian region on UT day 26-Jul, with an isolated period of G1 observed at Townsville and Learmonth. The planetary Kp reached G1 during the period 26/03-06UT. Mostly G0 conditions were observed in Antarctica, with isolated periods of G1 and G2 observed at Macquarie Island and Mawson. Mostly G0 geomagnetic conditions are expected over 27-29 Jul, with periods of G1 conditions possible due to weak CME glancing blows.

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