FORECAST SOL: Moderate yellow MAG: Normal green ION: Normal green
HomeGeophysicalSummary and ForecastsDaily Report Tuesday, Jul 16 2024 02:00 UT
Summary and Forecasts

Daily Report

Geomagnetic Summary

(last updated 15 Jul 2024 23:30 UT)

Geomagnetic field for Australian Region 15 Jul: G0 Estimated Indices 15 Jul : A K Australian Region 2 12200011 Cocos Island 2 12210000 Darwin 3 12200012 Townsville 4 22200112 Learmonth 2 12200011 Alice Springs 2 12100011 Gingin 2 11200011 Canberra 1 11100001 Kennaook Cape Grim 1 111000-- Hobart 2 11100111 Estimated Antarctic Regional K Indices 15 Jul : Macquarie Island 0 00000000 Casey 3 12210012 Mawson 6 22100024 Observed Regional daily pc3 Indices 15 Jul : Darwin 0 (Quiet) Townsville 0 (Quiet) Learmonth 0 (Quiet) Alice Springs 0 (Quiet) Gingin 0 (Quiet) Canberra 0 (Quiet) Pc3 pulsations are high frequency (10-45 second period) variations of the Earths magnetic field. Daily pc3-indices are the daily sum of 20 minute pc3-indices for that station and have been shown to be well correlated with rejection of high resolution aeromagnetic survey flight-line data. NOTE: Indices may have been generated from data obtained in cooperation with the following organisations: Geoscience Australia, University of Newcastle Space Physics Group, Australian Government Antarctic Division and International Center for Space Weather Science and Education, Japan. Estimated AFr/Ap Indices 15 Jul : A Fredericksburg 6 Planetary 6 Observed AFr/Ap Indices 14 Jul : A K Fredericksburg 9 Planetary 5 2202 1212

Geomagnetic Forecast

(last updated 15 Jul 2024 23:30 UT)

Date Ap Conditions 16 Jul 8 G0 17 Jul 10 G0 18 Jul 8 G0 COMMENT: G0 geomagnetic conditions were observed in the Australian and Antarctica regions on UT day 15-Jul. G0 geomagnetic conditions are expected over 16-18 Jul.

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