Orbital Space Debris References
The following is a small list of references to material on orbital space debris.
- Artificial Space Debris, Nicholas L Johnson and Darren S McKnight, published by Orbit Book
Company Florida, 1987, ISBN 0-89464-012-7
(this was the first published book completely devoted to Orbital Space Debris)
- Orbital Debris: A Technical Assessment, (US) National Research Council, published by National
Academy Press Washington DC, 1995, ISBN 0-309-05125-8 ISBN 0-89464-012-7
(this book can now be read on-line)

- Advances in Space Research (published by Pergamon) is a good source of papers on orbital space debris and has devoted several past issues exclusively to this topic.
- Orbital Debris Quarterly News (published by the NASA Orbital Debris Program Office). Current and past news
- Collision Frequency of Artificial Satellites: The Creation of a Debris Belt, Donald J Kessler and Burton G Cour-Palais, Journal of Geophysical Research, v83(#A6) June 1, 1978, pp2637-2646 (this is a classic/historical paper by two pioneers in the field)
Material prepared by John Kennewell