FORECAST SOL: Moderate yellow MAG: Normal green ION: Moderate yellow
Space Weather

Reported Sightings of Auroras sent to ASWFC

Below is a list of aurora events which were reported to SWS up to March 2017. The dates of observed auroral activity are shown along with all the locations from which reports were received.

In the case of major towns or cities, a large number of reports were often received from the same place. Thus, a single occurrence of say, "Hobart (AUS)" or "Dunedin (NZ)", often represents five or ten reports from observers in that area. For a complete (un-edited) and current list of reports see aurora sightings.

The location of the sighting reports can be viewed on the Auroral Oval Prediction Tool and they are being used to improve the auroral oval model used by the tool.

The SWS aurora alert notifies subscribers of the possibility of an auroral event.

The all-sky camera located at Cressy in Tasmania is no longer operational.

Year Dates Locations
201728 MayKettering (TAS, AUS)
20 AprRoches Beach (TAS, AUS)
1 MarKettering (TAS, AUS)
1 FebAlonnah (TAS, AUS)
201625 OctHobart, Mt Wellington (TAS, AUS)
30 SepAbels Bay (TAS, AUS)
201522 JunBendigo (VIC, AUS), Melbourne (VIC, AUS), Sandy Point (TAS, AUS)
14 JunTrial Bay (TAS, AUS)
13 MayMuradup (WA, AUS)
19 MarKettering (TAS, AUS)
18 MarHowrah (TAS, AUS), Snug (TAS, AUS), Evendale/Nile (TAS, AUS), East Sandwich (MA, USA)
17 MarMelbourne (VIC, AUS), Blackbutt (QLD, AUS)
23 FebLucaston (TAS, AUS)
7 JanHobart (TAS, AUS)
201413 SepTinderbox Road (TAS, AUS)
20 JunTrial Bay (TAS, AUS)
30 MayRoches Beach (TAS, AUS)
30 AprKettering (TAS, AUS), Tinderbox (TAS, AUS), Mortimer Bay (TAS, AUS), Dodges Ferry (TAS, AUS), Mount Nelson (TAS, AUS), Howden (TAS, AUS), Howden (TAS, AUS), Orielton (TAS, AUS), Mt Nelson Signal Station, Hobart (TAS, AUS), Mortimer Bay (TAS, AUS)
12 AprLower Longley (TAS, AUS)
20 FebTaroona (TAS, AUS), Saddleback Mtn., Kiama (NSW, AUS)
19 FebGlen Iris (VIC, AUS), Macquarie Island (TAS, AUS)
20132 OctPrimrose Sands (TAS, AUS), Primrose Sands (TAS, AUS)
6 JulRoss (TAS, AUS), Ross (TAS, AUS), Franklin/Port Huon area (TAS, AUS), Strahan (TAS, AUS)
29 JunGeeveston (TAS, AUS), Hindmarsh Island, SA, Howrah Beach (TAS, AUS), Taroona (TAS, AUS), Crabtree (TAS, AUS), Sandy Point Beach (TAS, AUS), Kingston (TAS, AUS), Port Huon (TAS, AUS), Miena (TAS, AUS), Flinders (VIC, AUS), Huon Valley around Franklin (TAS, AUS)
28 JunColes Bay (TAS, AUS)
7 JunKettering (TAS, AUS)
1 JunMount Wellington (TAS, AUS), Trial Bay (TAS, AUS), Huntingfield (TAS, AUS), Flinders (VIC, AUS)
1 MayHowrah (TAS, AUS), Orielton (TAS, AUS)
17 MarKingston (TAS, AUS), Tinderbox (TAS, AUS), Taroona, Hobart (TAS, AUS), Howden (TAS, AUS), Kingston (TAS, AUS)
200612 MayCasey Station, Antarctica
2006 14 Apr Hobart (AUS)
2006 5-6 Apr Hobart (AUS)
2005 11 Sep Detroit (MI, USA)
2005 24-25 Aug Hobart (AUS), Melbourne (AUS), Devenport (Tas, AUS), Canberra (AUS), Benalla (Vic, AUS), Northcote (Melbourne, AUS), Sydney (AUS) [in flight], Launceston (Tas, AUS)
2005 11 Jul Hobart (AUS)
2005 31 May Hobart (AUS)
2005 16 May Wallaroo (SA, AUS), Horsham (Vic, AUS), Canterbury (NZ), Bombala (NSW, AUS)
2005 8-9 May Hobart (AUS)
2005 5 Apr Casey (Antarctica)
2005 7 Mar Casey (Antarctica)
2005 22 Jan Jystrup (Denmark), Bombala (NSW, AUS)
2005 17 Jan Pennsylvania (USA), Launceston (Tas, AUS)
2004 31 Dec Tasmania (AUS)
2004 10-11 Nov Tasmania (AUS), Dunedin (NZ), Rye Back Beach (Vic, AUS)
2004 7-8 Nov New York State (USA), Methow Valley (WA, USA), Detroit (MI, USA), Frankfurt (Germany), Illinois (USA), Nebraska (USA), Kansas (USA), Connecticut (USA)
2004 25 Oct Macquarie Island (AUS)
2004 25-27 Jul Blackmans Bay (Tas, AUS), Wynyard (Tas, AUS), Hobart (AUS), Perth (AUS)
2004 4 Apr Wick (Scotland)
2004 10 Mar Alaska
2004 23 Jan Melbourne (AUS) [in flight], Canberra (AUS)
2003 5 Dec Tasmania (AUS)
2003 11-20 Nov Kangaroo Island (SA, AUS), Kojonup (WA, AUS), Hobart (AUS), Perth (AUS), Strathylbyn (SA, AUS), Kentucky (USA), Kingston (Tas, AUS), Central Highlands (Tas, AUS)
2003 29-30 Oct Albury (Vic, AUS), Narrabri (NSW, AUS), Largs North (SA, AUS), Dandenong (Vic, AUS), Burwood (Melbourne, AUS), Bendigo (Vic, AUS), Albany (NY, USA), Connecticut (USA), Hamlin (NY, USA), Detroit (MI, USA), Hobart (AUS), West Haven (CT, USA), Vermont (USA), Mildura (Vic, AUS), Van Buren (AR, USA), Burnie (Tas, AUS), Dunedin (NZ), Wollongong (NSW, AUS), Korumburra (Vic, AUS), Seattle (WA, USA), Tok (Alaska)
2003 17-20 Sep Tok (Alaska)
2003 18 Aug Ulverstone (Tas, AUS), St Helens (Tas, AUS), Tok (Alaska), Blackmans Bay (Tas, AUS), Hobart (AUS), Dunedin (NZ)
2003 18 Jun Otago (NZ), Mountain River (Tas, AUS)
2003 29 May Perth (AUS)
2003 10 May Dunedin (NZ)
2003 2 Feb Tok (Alaska)
2002 1 Oct Porvo (Finland), Tok (Alaska), Pingelly Heights (WA, AUS), Maine (USA), Kingston (Tas, AUS), Mt Wellingston (Tas, AUS), Hobart (AUS), Mountain River (Tas, AUS), Taroona (Tas, AUS), Ulverstone (Tas, AUS), Wallaroo (SA, AUS)
2002 14 Sep Narrabri (NSW, AUS), Somerville (Vic, AUS)
2002 8 Sep Kerr Lake (VA, USA), Berrima (NSW, AUS) (VIC, AUS)tor Harbor (SA, AUS), Loch Sport (Vic, AUS), Vantaa (Finland), Fryerstone (Vic, AUS)
2002 23 May Taroona (Tas, AUS)
2002 18 Apr Anchorage (Alaska), Hobart (AUS), Clyde (Vic, AUS), Melbourne (AUS), Central Tasmania (AUS)
2001 31 Mar Khancoban (NSW, AUS), Perth (AUS), Duluth (MN, USA), Mt Martha (Vic, AUS), Yanchep (WA, AUS), Narrandera (NSW, AUS), Wagga Wagga (NSW, AUS), Linden (NSW, AUS), Tathra (NSW, AUS), Grasby (Lincolnshire, UK), Canberra (AUS), Wollongong (NSW, AUS), Rainbow (Vic, AUS), Christchurch (NZ), Landrum (SC, USA), Atascadero (CA, USA)
2001 28 Mar Tok (Alaska), Culumet (MI, USA), Dillon Bay (WA, USA)
20 Mar Tok (Alaska), Ballarat (Vic, AUS)
2000 27-29 Nov Kadina (SA, AUS), Seven-mile Beach (Tas, AUS)
2000 28 Oct Hancock (MI, USA)
2000 14 Oct Hobart (AUS)
2000 4-6 Oct Fairhaven (Vic, AUS), Detroit (MI, USA), Hancock (MI, USA), Bangor (Ireland)
2000 30 Sep Finland
2000 18 Sep Helsinki (Finland), Detroit (MI, USA)
2000 11 Aug New Forest Observatory (Ontario, Canada), Waterloo (Ontario, Canada), Kenosha (WI, USA), Port Clinton (OH, USA), Lubbock (TX, USA), Ogallala (NE, USA), Detroit (MI, USA)
2000 16 Jul McMurdo Station (Antarctica)
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