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HomeSolarLearmonth ObservatoryAutomated Radio Burst Identification System Friday, Mar 14 2025 08:04 UT
Learmonth Observatory

Automated Radio Burst Identification System (ARBIS 2)

The School of Physics at the University of Sydney is working in collaboration with IPS Radio and Space Services via an ARC Linkage grant on the ARBIS project.

ARBIS automatically recognizes type III and type II solar radio bursts. This project presently ultilises near real-time solar radio spectrograph data provided by Learmonth Solar Radio Observatory (Western Australia, 22.12S, 114.60E).

Preliminary tests with archived data show that the performance of the current implementation is quite high, ~80% for type II and ~84% for type III bursts. The probability of false positives is reasonably low, 0.004-0.010 false positives per hour for type II events. False type III events are usually produced by local lightning and electromagnetic interference.

Recent Type II burst Detections

Recent Type III burst Detections

Archived Type III burst Detections


Lobzin, V. V., I. H. Cairns, P. A. Robinson, G. Steward, and G. Patterson (2009), Automatic Recognition of Type III Solar Radio Bursts: Automated Radio Burst Identification System Method and First Observations, Space Weather, 7, S04002, doi: 10.1029/2008SW000425.

Lobzin, V. V., I. H. Cairns, P. A. Robinson, G. Steward, and G. Patterson (2010), Automatic Recognition of Coronal Type II Radio Bursts: The Automated Radio Burst Identification System Method and First Observations, ApJ, 710, L58-L62, doi: 10.1088/2041-8205/710/1/L58.

ARBIS home page at University of Sydney.

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